Board of Directors Application - Northwest Valley Chamber of Commerce
Why the Chamber has an Application Process. It is essential to take the time to find candidates with the right values, skills, attitudes, and commitment.

Chamber leaders are company owners, community stakeholders, and business leaders responsible for promoting the mission, providing direction, and the Chamber's financial and organizational well-being.

An established recruitment process (that includes well-defined roles and expectations and an application and screening process) ensures that all candidates are qualified and evaluated using consistent criteria and procedures.

Basic Requirements: Must be a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Convicted felons and elected officials may not serve on the board of directors.  

Choose 1

Choose 1

Select all that apply


This document is not meant to be a formal contract but a set of expectations for all existing and future board members.
I pledge:

  1.  As a member of the Board of Directors, I am fully committed and dedicated to the mission of the Chamber.
  2.  I pledge to help the Chamber carry out this mission, consistent with the functions of the office of a board member as stated in the Bylaws.
  3.  As a board member, I have the opportunity and the obligation to appoint and evaluate the CEO, help establish strategic direction, set broad policy, and steward the assets, all supporting the organization's stated mission. 
  4. I commit to fulfilling my board obligations with my time, talent, treasure, and relationships.
  5. I understand that the CEO/Executive Director is responsible, under the board's direction, for developing the long-range plan for board approval, devising acceptable short- and medium-term objectives in pursuit of that plan, and then managing the organization's resources to meet those objectives.  
  6. I will work diligently to understand the organization's mission, purpose, goals, and programs, and I will prepare for all board and committee meetings by reviewing all related documents and materials in advance.
  7.  Together with my fellow board members, I am responsible for the fiscal oversight of the Chamber.
  8.  To avoid conflicts of interest between my position as a board member and my personal life.  If such a conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict before the board and refrain from voting on matters and/or not be present during the discussions in which I have conflict.
  9.  As a board member, I promise to make decisions that are always in the best interest of the Chamber.
  10.  To support positively all actions taken by the Board of Directors, even when I am in a minority position on such actions.
  11.  I will attend regularly scheduled board meetings and be available for consultation by phone and e-mail.
  12.  If I miss more than four consecutive board or committee meetings without proper notice or am otherwise unable to fulfill my obligations as a board member, I will offer my resignation or request a leave of absence. 
  13.  I will make an attempt to attend major public events and fundraisers and will actively encourage support and attendance from my friends and colleagues as well.
  14.  I know that I am a de facto ambassador for the organization. I will never offer myself as an official spokesperson for the organization without proper authority from the board or CEO.
  15.  I will help identify and cultivate potential supporters
  16.  I recognize the significant obligations of the staff in carrying out the work of the Chamber, and I will do my best not to interfere with the staff's operating responsibilities.  While I have the right to speak with staff members about matters of mutual interest, I understand that I do not have the right to direct the actions of staff members unless appropriately authorized to do so by the board or the CEO/Executive Director.
  17.  Uphold confidentiality.  I understand that the board must speak with one voice. Therefore I agree not to divulge board-level discussions to outsiders unless the board has adopted a different policy for a specific instance or issue. 

