Public Policy Advisory Group (Virtual)
This Chamber workgroup is comprised of business owners, community stakeholders, business leaders, and public policy professionals. The workgroup is the principal advisory group and action group representing the interests of the private sector.

The workgroup focuses on business policy, especially those impacting small businesses. The workgroup assists in building our grassroots network, and strategies on legislative, regulatory, and ballot initiatives. The Public Policy Workgroup is responsible for developing our legislative agenda and proposing to the Board the public policy positions of the Chamber.

The group also evaluates our progress in achieving those policy goals.

Why the Chamber has an Application Process. It is important to take the time to find candidates with the right values, skills, attitude, and commitment. After all, even though this is a volunteer job, being in a leadership position is a crucial role in the Chamber.

Time Commitment
  • This Committee meets virtually 4-6 times per year and may hold other meetings or conference calls as necessary.
  • A typical term is two years.
  • Estimated annual time commitment: 15-20 hours

Other Information
  • This is a volunteer position, and members serve without compensation.
  • Elected officials are not eligible to serve on the committee. Elected may be invited as guests from time to time.
  • This is not a policy-making committee, but an advisory group representing a broad section of the community.
  • Members are asked to join the Chamber as a dues-paying member, within 45 days of committee appointment

Choose up to 3

Select all that apply

Choose 1

Select all that apply


I pledge:

  • As a member of the Public Policy Workgroup,  I am fully committed and dedicated to the mission and vision of the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce.
  • I commit to fulfilling my obligations with my time, talent, treasure, and relationships.
  • I will work diligently to understand the mission, purpose, goals, and policy positions of the organization. 
  • To avoid or fully disclose conflicts of interest between my position and my personal/work life.  If a conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict prior to any discussions,  and refrain from voting on matters in which I have conflict.
  • As a Chamber leader, I promise to make decisions that are always in the best interest of the Chamber and the business community.
  • I will support in a positive manner all actions taken by the Board of Directors even when I am in a minority position on such actions.
  • I know that I am a de facto ambassador for the organization, and I will strive to serve the Chamber in the best possible ways.  I will never offer myself as an official spokesperson for the organization without proper authority from the board or CEO.
  • I will work with relevant members of the board and staff, and I will leverage my relationships to secure additional support for the Chamber if appropriate. 
  • I recognize the significant obligations of the staff in carrying out the work of the Chamber, and I will do my best not to interfere with the staff’s operating responsibilities.  While I have the right to speak with staff members about matters of mutual interest, I understand that I do not have the right to direct the actions of staff members unless appropriately authorized to do so by the board or the CEO.
  • I agree not to divulge confidential discussions to outsiders unless the board has adopted a different policy for a specific instance or issue. 

