Volunteer Application
Please use this form if you are interested in - Serving on a planning or leadership committee - as a Day-of-Event volunteer - a Virtual Volunteer (working from home) - or signing up a group of volunteers (club or organization) Thank you for your interest.

The Chamber offers both virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities. Some volunteer groups meet monthly and some only once year to help for one day. Volunteers are always needed. Volunteering is a great way to contribute back to your local community,  meet new people and brush up on skills. 

  • Virtual Volunteers generally volunteer 3-5 hours per month.
  • Committee Members typically attend 6-7 meetings, attend the event, and volunteer on average 4 hours per month. 
  • Groups: CTE students, DECA, and other groups are always welcomed! 
  • We do not accept court-ordered community service.
  • All volunteers must be at least 16 years of age unless supervised by an adult. All volunteer roles have an age requirement and ages to volunteer in roles may vary.

Please answer the questions below, and thank you for your interest in volunteering. 


Select all that apply

Select all that apply

Select all that apply


Select all that apply

Select all that apply

As a nonprofit agency, we could not survive without the dedication of our volunteers and their tireless efforts. It is important to be very organized and to outline some general responsibilities of Chamber volunteers. Please read our pledge and then answer the next question indicating your agreement. 

Committee Member's Pledge:
  • I am fully committed and dedicated to the mission, purpose, and goals of the Chamber.
  • As a volunteer, I understand I will serve without compensation.
  • I can commit to fulfilling my obligations with my time, talent, treasure, and relationships.
  • I will avoid conflicts of interest between my position on a committee and my personal life or business.  If such conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict to the Chamber staff.
  • I promise to make decisions that are always in the best interest of the Chamber.
  • I will attend regularly scheduled meetings, be available for consultation by phone and e-mail
  • If I miss more than 3 consecutive committee meetings without proper notice or am otherwise unable to fulfill my obligations, I will offer my resignation or request a leave of absence. 
  • I know that I am a de facto ambassador for the organization. I will never offer myself as an official spokesperson for the organization without proper authority from the Chamber CEO.
  • I will work with Chamber staff to come up with a plan that is reasonable for my personal situation, and I will leverage my relationships to secure additional resources if required.
  • I recognize the significant obligations of the staff in carrying out the work of the Chamber, and I will do my best not to interfere with the staff’s operating and oversight responsibilities.  While I have the right to speak with staff members about matters of mutual interest, I understand that I do not have the right to direct the actions of staff members.
  • I understand that the Chamber CEO/Executive Director is responsible for developing plans and oversight of all events and managing the organization’s resources to meet those objectives.       
